Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Liquid Plastic

You will frequently find your credit card muted by Germany's unwillingness to speak the language of buy-now-pay-later. If plastic is accepted at all, then it will only be in the form of an EC/Maestro card. It's a chip'n'pin system, exactly the same as the UK's Visa Delta or Switch, but frequently you're still asked for your signature (how retro!).

However you're only able to buy if you have sufficient funds in your account to pay for your trolley of shopping in full. Not enough cash? No dice. Put it back and scrape your dignity off the shop floor.

Note: A UK bank card with the Maestro logo on does not work with the German Maestro system. Baffling I know. And equally embarrassing if you have to jack your shop for lack of hard cash.