Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Yellow? Give me brown

More than friends and family, the thing I miss most about the UK is a nice pint of bitter. Everything I'd ever been served in a German bar has either been blond or black, when what I really want is a strong brunette to slip down my throat.

The English shop in Neukolln imports the likes of Old Speckled Hen and Hobgoblin, but at what cost! So I decided to get beer-curious in my best stocked local supermarket. Scanning labels for anything that contained 'Malz' (malt) I stocked up on an assortment of beers in thick brown bottles, the like of which I'd never seen in bars. I walked home heavy with anticipation.

Back in the kitchen I popped my first bottle expecting lager-flavoured (sic) disappointment. As I poured my heart almost burst with joy as my glass-half-empty skepticism was displaced by a distinctively amber-brown bevvy. I sipped. Eureka! I can die here a happy, bitter man.

Brews from left: Altenmünster, Berliner Bürgerbrau Heller Bock, Duckstein