Immigrants of any background are vulnerable to both illegal exploitation, and ignorance of their new country's laws. From public transport to taxation, there are myriad ways to get caught with your pants down by Big Brother, creeping up behind you with a hard, dry truncheon. Avoiding the bugger is a game many feel forced into (for lack of money) or actively enjoy playing (an "up yours!" to bourgeois authority).
Schwarz is the adjective that describes illegal shenanigans of many shades. From riding 'schwarz' on the U Bahn, to not registering, to working 'schwarzarbeit' (cash in hand, no tax, no health insurance). In 2006 it was estimated that up half of Berlin's construction workers were not playing by the book, so is it any wonder the city's coffers are light.
Most people weigh up the the chance of getting caught against the consequences before deciding to take a risk. When you're foreign the problem is an understandable ignorance of all the possible consequences coupled with a lack of reliable advice. Ex-pat forum is a great place to pose those 'what would happen if...' questions. Even then, a little knowledge from the collective can be a dangerous thing. In the end, everyone plays at their own risk.
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