I am a consumer with green fingers. When I arrived at the end of December I seeded my stay with the miserly 15kg Ryanair baggage allowance. I fed this with 20kg of various "stuff" I sent in advance via Parcels2Go and watered with a few early purchases.
Over the months it grew, and grew and grew until it finally flowered in the middle of summer with the purchase of a iron framed bed. And another bud has appeared, which looks like it will flower a sofa.
Before long, you'll probably require the assistance of a van to move your furniture and belongings around. Certainly the cheap white goods and furnishings come at the cost of having to pick them up yourself (zum abholen). Expensive deal? Not necessarily.
Robben & Wientjes vans are as common a sight on Berlin's roads as the cream Mercedes taxis. And a lot cheaper. Prices start from 2.50 euro per hour for a truck that'll easily take a whole bedroom in its capacious behind. There's usually no need to book, unless there's a public holiday coming up. However, you will need the following to complete your booking:
- 100 euro cash deposit
- Valid driving licence
- Your Anmeldebestätigung (certificate of official registration in Berlin)
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